[限量] THE SEVEN GIFTS 魔法水晶肥皂


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七個禮物是智慧,知識,顧問,勇氣,理解,敬畏和驚奇與敬畏。 這些美德是人類精神的禮物,可以在我們所有人中找到。 創建此欄的目的是提醒我們我們已經擁有的禮物。 嵌入在內部的藍線石有助於提高清晰度和語言能力,以便與其他文化進行交流。 石頭還可以幫助您了解每個人的價值和互動的原因。 它著重說明了為什麼您選擇學習克服困難和挑戰,並幫助感謝他人在業力學習過程中所發揮的作用。 這種石頭可以與喉輪緊密配合,增強說話和說話能力,使您知道自己是真實的。 The Seven Gifts are Wisdom, Knowledge, Counsel, Courage, Understanding, Reverence and Wonder and Awe. These virtues are gifts of the human spirit and can be found within us all. This bar was created to remind us of the gifts we already have within. Embedded inside is Dumortierite, which helps to promotes clarity and linguistic capabilities for communication with other cultures. The stone also assists you in seeing the worth in each human being and reasons for the interaction. It highlights why you chose to learn through difficulties and challenges, and assists in thanking the other person for their role in your karmic learning process. This stone works strongly with the Throat Chakra and enhances the ability to speak out and in speaking up for what you know to be real and true.
