[絕版]絕版綠巫手造魔法香水 Limited green witch handmade magick perfume spray

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這是外國進口綠巫手造的魔法香水,一共有十一種款式,用途可以到本店網站查看 可惜的地方就是未收到貨件,綠巫已經決定不再造魔法儀式用品,從而集中其能量和占卜的服務😢 每支2安士 This is a magic perfume hand-made by the green witch imported from abroad. There are eleven styles in total. You can check the usage on our website It’s a pity that the shipment has not been received. The Green Witch has decided not to make magic ritual supplies, so as to concentrate her energy work and divination services😢 Each abut 2oz 用途 Function 振作起來,為您的生活吸引更多積極情緒。 Vibe High - raises your vibration to attract more positivity to your life. 減肥-每次有衝動想吃東西時,都要噴藥,然後等待15分鐘以消退欲望。 Weight Loss - spray whenever you feel the need to eat something you shouldn’t and wait 15 minutes for craving to subside. 名望與財富-對於那些尋找既有名利又有事業的人使用 Fame and Fortune - for those looking for a career that comes with both fame and fortune. 水星逆行-噴灑在自己或汽車,計算機和其他電子設備上(再次,輕輕地),以使其在MR期間平穩運行 Mercury Retrograde - spray on cars, computers (lightly) and other electronic devices (again, lightly) to keep them running smoothly during MR. 反轉-把負能量反轉到原處 Reversing - reverse negative energy sent to you. 真愛-尋找並保持真愛 True love - for finding and keeping true love 老闆修復-擺脫上司或客戶給你造成的困境 Boss Fix - to get your boss off of your back 快運-快速帶來好運 Fast luck - to bring good luck quickly 放逐-放逐小人對你的咀咒和流言蜚語 Banishing - to banish what it says 交流-恢復交流並使交流更加順暢 Communication - to restore communication and to make communication go more smoothly 企業成功-吸引更多客戶。 Business success - to draw in more customers.

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