丘比特的箭油-找到並保留您的真愛與浪漫 Cupid's Arrow Oil- find and keep your true love and romance


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使用安全別針創建此公式,以抓住您的愛並將其拉入,然後使用細小的金色別針將其固定下來! 用蛇根,主根,櫻桃,香草等製成。 在見到您想要的伴侶之前,先在您的沐浴水中和脈搏部位使用。 外出時塗上,再加到洗髮水或沐浴露。 您也可以在粉紅色的蠟燭上使用這種油來增加浪漫,紅色蠟燭來增加性愛,在紫色蠟燭上來吸引特定類型的愛/情人 This formula is created with a safety pin to snag your love and pull them in and then tiny golden pins to PIN THAT DOWN! Created with snake root, master root, cherry, vanilla and more. Use in your bath water and on your pulse point before seeing your desired partner. Wear when you go out, add to your champoo or body wash. You can also use this oil on pink candles for romance, red for sex and purple to draw in a specific type of love/lover
