丹達油- 法庭,離婚,監護權,移民,逮捕,聽證Danda Oil Court, divorce, custody, immigration,arrests, hearings


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它說服了法官,使反對證人不出庭,使被告不出庭,減少了罰款,將有害人員關進了監獄,停止了逮捕,贏得了監護權,使兒童脫離了不安全的房屋,並順利迅速地離婚。 那怎麼辦呢?好吧,它是作為“雙向”油製造的。這意味著它將為您解決法律事務的兩個方面;對您有利,對誰不利。我知道您在說什麼:“我沒有任何法律麻煩,那是我需要的最後一種油。”我也曾以為,您會驚訝地發現事情能如此迅速地發生。緊急情況下或朋友或家人的手握它永遠不會有傷害,特別是如果您身邊有個少年;) It has allegedly persuaded judges, caused opposing witnesses not to show, caused defendants not to show, reduced fines, put harmful people in jail, stopped arrests, won custody cases, gotten children out of unsafe homes, and gotten divorces smoothly and quickly. So how can it do all this? Well, it's created as a "two way" oil. This means it will work both sides of a legal matter for you; positive for you and negative for who your up against. I know what you're saying "I don't have any legal trouble, that's the last oil I need." I've thought that too, and you'd be surprised how quickly things can sneak up. It never hurts to have it on hand for an emergency or for a friend or family member, ESPECIALLY if you have a teenager around;)
