五角星蠟燭 Pentacle Candle

顏色 Coloe


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五角星蠟燭用於東西方傳統,現在在世界範圍內使用。 該符號是與豐富相關的地球符號。 每個點都指向地球(左下點)、空氣(右上點)、火(右下點)、水(左上點)和以太元素。 包圍五角星的圓圈代表完整性、地球和母親女神的能量。 這也像徵著身體及其屬性。 這也可以用於治療、保護、提高心理能力、冥想和全面的自我發展。 藍色 – 溝通 紅色——表現 黑色 – 釋放 尺寸:8.3*11cm Pentacle Candle used in both eastern and western traditions and now used worldwide. The symbol is an Earth symbol associated with abundance. Each point, points to the elements of earth (low left point), air (up-right side point), fire (lower right side point), water (Upper left side point), and ether. The circle that encompasses the pentacle represents completeness, earth, and mother goddess energies. This also symbolizes the body and its' properties. This can also be utilized for healing, protection, improving psychic abilities, meditation, and over all self development. Blue Colour – Communication Red Colour – Manifestation Black colour – Release Size:8.3*11cm
