你的成功油- 將成功帶入你的生活和努力 Successful You Oil-Draw Success into Your Life and Endeavors


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由高約翰根、肉桂、五指草、肉荳蔻、磁石和佛手柑精油製成! 我創造這種混合物的目的是為您的努力、夢想和目標助一臂之力。 用於獲得新客戶或項目、促進您的業務、穩定就業、找工作、為旅行存錢或只是在銀行存點錢! 如需額外的魅力,請將這種油用於橙色或黃色蠟燭,用作香水或嘗試製作這種魔力; 你需要; 1 個紅色魔力袋 2 個磁石 1 個經過處理的肉荳蔻蕨類甜木屑。 把油裝進袋子裡,然後隨身攜帶。 為了錢,用紫色或橙色的線把一鈔票包起來。 Created from High John root, cinnamon, five finger grass, nutmeg, lodestone and bergamot essential oil! I've created this blend to lend a big helping hand to your endeavors, dreams and goals. Use for getting new clients or projects, to boost your business, for steady employment, to find work, save for a trip or just to put a little away in the bank! For an extra oomph, use this oil on orange or yellow candles, wear as a perfume or try making this mojo; You'll need; 1 red mojo bag 2 lodestones 1 dressed nutmeg fern sweet woodruff. Dress and feed the bag with the oil and carry with you. For money, wrap a one dollar bill around it with purple or orange thread.
