來找我油-Come To Me Oil-Draws In What You Need Quickly!快速提取您需要的內容!


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當您沒有時間與人或環境打交道時,這款油適合您! 這是一個家庭食譜,是一個古老的、經過驗證的、真正的公式,可以快速到達重點! 快速獲得您或您的情況所需的關注。 對於回歸的戀人來說,愛情、金錢、賬單、網絡、朋友、房屋、汽車等。這種油據說可以立即吸引您的慾望和目標。 用於紅色、粉色、綠色、黃色或橙色蠟燭。 使用這種油的一個好技巧是將其添加到沐浴露和洗髮水中 - 使用得越多,效果就越好、越快。 非常適合與 Bast、Saint Cipriano、Lakshmi 和 Saint Expedite 一起使用 由琥珀、鴉片、香草、廣藿香、茉莉花、檸檬皮、康乃馨花瓣、磁石和許多其他優質製成。 This oil is for when you don't have time to eff around-with people or circumstances! This is a family recipe of an old stand by-tried and true formula for getting to the point...and FAST! Get the attention you or your situation needs quickly. For returning lovers, love, money, bills, networking, friends, a home, car, etc. This oil is reputed to draw in your desires and goal almost immediately. Use on red, pink, green, yellow, or orange candles. A great trick with this oil is to add it to your body wash and shampoo-the more you use it the better and faster it will work. Great to use with Bast, Saint Cipriano, Lakshmi, and Saint Expedite Created with amber, opium, vanilla, patchouli, jasmine, lemon zest, carnation petals, lodestone and many other fine oils and curios.
