來看我 1 oz 魔法油 Come and See Me 1 oz Magick Oil


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為了吸引理想的伴侶,在適當性別的白色圖像蠟燭上塗抹,並以可視化方式燃燒。 使用的成分:肉桂和廣藿香精油以及分餾椰子油。 可用於蠟燭祝福、光環清潔、芳香療法、油燃燒器、拼寫、根係等! 您可以塗抹在手腕、頸部、胸部和/或腳上。 To attract the ideal mate, smear on a white image candle of the appropriate sex, and burn with visualization. Ingredients used: cinnamon and patchouli essential oils and fractionated coconut oil. Can be used for Candle blessing, Aura cleansing, Aromatherapy, Oil burners, Spellwork, Rootwork and more! You may apply to your wrists, neck, chest and/or feet.
