保護免受敵侵害人蠟燭 Protection From Enemies Candle


已售出: 5


蠟燭會燃燒長達100小時。 它的尺寸為2/2英寸寬和8/8英寸高。 燒此蠟燭以保護自己免受敵人的傷害或邪惡的咒語或傷害。 雙手背對燭,同時背誦以下內容:Today, God all powerful, I resort to your infinite sense of justice to protect us from any malevolent feelings that may be directed towards me, my home, or my business. Give me strength to overcome any adversity that I may face. Amen. Candle will burn up to 100 hours. It's dimensions are 2 /2" wide and 8 /8" tall. Burn Protection From Enemies cocktail candle to protect yourself from any harm or evil spells or hexes from enemies. Hold the candle with both hands while reciting the following: Today, God all powerful, I resort to your infinite sense of justice to protect us from any malevolent feelings that may be directed towards me, my home, or my business. Give me strength to overcome any adversity that I may face. Amen. Light the candle upon reciting the prayer.
