保護草藥小蠟燭 Protection Power Votive


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Protection Power Votive是在深夜黑色蠟燭中深層沒藥的精油混合物。燃燒時間為10小時。 黑色是所有顏色的混合體,代表了在您生活的所有方面和所有動作中全方位的保護。 很多時候,保護的問題是關於個人邊界和個人權力的教訓。 這支蠟燭將有助於建立保護光環,無論是環境,他人的能量還是您自己的破壞活動。 祝福- 從東部,南部,西部和北部出發; 上下,我受到保護。Protection Power Votive is a deep Myrrh Blend of Essential Oils in a midnight black candle.10 hour burn time votives. Black is the blending of all colors, representing protection in all directions, in all areas of your life and through all of your actions. Many times issues of protection are lessons in personal boundaraies and personal power. This Candle will help set up a aura of protection be it from circumstances, other people’s energies or even your own self sabotage. Blessing - From East, South, West & North; above and below, I am protected.
