內心平衡動力草藥小蠟燭 Inner Balance Power Votive


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Inner Balance Power Votive是一種淡藍色蠟燭,注入雪松,鼠尾草和茉莉精油。 10小時的燃燒時間。 日常生活是由極端決定的,受人對極端的反應的約束。 在任何給定的時刻,我們都會以連續的行動和反應週期戴上喜劇或悲劇的面具。 這支蠟燭減緩了情緒和精神擺的擺動,將您帶到您的中心。 這是一項艱鉅的任務,就像水找到自己的水位,為自己在地上開闢一個世紀以來的道路一樣。 片刻的沉思可以彌補一天的動盪。 祝福- 我站在中間,既不是陰也不是陽,都在經歷平衡的那一刻。 Inner Balance Power Votive is a light blue candle infused with cedar, sage and jasmine oils. 10 hour burn time votives. Daily life is framed by extremes and bound by one’s response to them. At any given moment, we wear the masks of comedy or tragedy in a continual cycle of action and reaction. This Candle slows the emotional and spiritual pendulum swings and bringing you to your center. This is a gentle task, like water finding its own level, carving a path in the earth for itself over centuries. A moment of quiet contemplation can mend a day’s worth of turmoil. Blessing - I stand in the center, neither yin nor yang, experiencing the moment that brings balance.
