切割附帶油-釋放行李,恐懼,傷心欲絕 Cutting Ties Oil - Release baggage, fear, heartbreak


已售出: 3


用於卸下行李,釋放創傷並從使您沮喪的情況或人員中繼續前進。 治愈之油,以征服的力量奔騰而起,使您擺脫挫折和創傷。 非常適合因不良關係和傷心欲絕而繼續前進。 富含鼠尾草,葡萄柚,檸檬草,誇張,白鼠尾草等。 從星期三開始,使用藍色蠟燭。 寫出您正在從生活中刪除並留下的東西。 用蠟燭放在熱的安全盤中點著。 Cutting Ties oil is used for unloading baggage, releasing trauma and moving on from situations or people who have held you down. A healing oil headed off with conquering power, lifts and removes you from your set-backs and traumas. Perfect for moving on from a bad relationship and heart break. Created with sage, grapefruit, lemograss, quassia, white sage and more. Use on blue candles, beginning on Wednesday. Write what you are removing from your life and leaving behind on a piece of paper. Set fire to it with the candle-PUT IN A HEAT SAFE DISH.
