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力量、成就和成功的自然油 Force of Nature Oil for Power, Achievement & Success
已售出: 3
我們的自然之力油專為那些希望突破障礙、應對生活中最大挑戰並征服世界的人而設計。如果您想成為一個神秘而不可阻擋的超級大國,這就是您的理想之選。四個元素,我們的目標是創造一種混合物,激發一個人的魔法意圖的力量。我們還包括了一些已知可以幫助一個人獲得影響力、掌握、說服力和力量的草藥和油。毫無疑問,這是一種純粹的力量配方。我們喜歡這種混合,因為它以微妙的方式起作用。對於指揮魔法,你的目標永遠不會知道是什麼擊中了他們,他們會很樂意接受你的建議。 自然之力油有什麼作用: 強化意念、咒語和儀式的力量。 促進權力、掌握、成功、說服力和成就。 消除阻礙一個人實現目標的障礙和障礙。 幫助一個人克服挑戰並征服他們所想的任何事情。 Force of Nature Oil 的成分是什麼: 我們混合了接骨木、香根草、甘草、雞蛋花、煙草和其他強大的草藥、油和樹脂, 如何使用自然之力油: 自然之力油可以輕輕塗抹在鞋後跟上。它可以塗抹在名片、應用程序或重要文件上。塗抹一些在您最喜歡的珠寶、護身符或護身符上。在蜂蜜罐中使用一些肉桂色、棕色糖,還有一些幹蘋果(非常適合愛情或影響力)。在一些幹月桂葉和丁香上塗一些,綁在一塊紫色的織物上,然後隨身攜帶。 如何在法術或儀式中使用自然之力油: 對於蠟燭魔法,我們建議使用紫色或黃色大蠟燭。拿一張羊皮紙或一小塊牛皮紙上。寫下你的名字三遍。一點自然之力油。將紙對折,製作確保將紙對著自己折疊。然後將其旋轉 90 度並再次折疊。然後拿起蠟燭並用一些自然之力油塗抹它。當你這樣做時,將蠟燭的頂部指向你的身體,就好像你在將能量直接引向您的身體。將蠟燭放在燭台中,然後將其直接放在您的請願書上。您可以選擇或閱讀詩篇 23。 現在,這裡才是真正的魔力所在。面向北方,深吸一口氣,想像自己實現了自己的意圖。然後慢慢地朝著蠟燭呼氣,確保你的呼吸將能量“推”向北方。剩下的三個方向。Our Force of Nature Oil was created for those who wish to break through obstacles, tackle life’s biggest challenges, and conquer the world. If you want to become an enigmatic and unstoppable superpower, this is the oil for you. Tapping into the magic from the four elements, our goal was to create a blend that energizes the power of one’s magical intentions. We also included a number of herbs and oils that are known to help one attain influence, mastery, persuasion, and power. No doubt about it, this is a pure power recipe. We love this blend because it works in subtle ways. For commanding magic, your target will never know what hit them and they will gladly bend to your suggestions. It comes in a ½ oz. glass bottle. What does Force of Nature Oil do: Strengthens the power of intentions, spells, and rituals. Promote power, mastery, success, persuasion, and achievement. Eliminate blocks and obstacles that stand in the way of one's goals. Help one overcome challenges and conquer anything they put their mind to. What are the ingredients in Force of Nature Oil: We blend elder, vetiver, licorice, frangipani, tobacco, and other powerful herbs, oils, and resins, How to use Force of Nature Oil: Force of Nature Oil can be dabbed into the heel of your shoe. It can be anointed on business cards, applications, or important documents. Anoint some on your favorite jewelry, talismans, or amulets. Use some in a honey jar with cinnamon, brown sugar, and some dried apple (great for love or influence). Dab some on some dried bay leaves and cloves tied into a purple piece of fabric and carry this on you. How to use Force of Nature Oil in a Spell or Ritual: For candle magick, we suggest working with a purple or yellow jumbo candle. Get a piece of parchment paper or small piece of brown paper bag. Write your name three times. You can also add your intention directly underneath your name. Dab this paper with a bit of Force of Nature Oil. Fold the paper in half, making sure you fold the paper towards you. Then turn it 90 degrees and fold it again. Then get your candle and anoint it with some Force of Nature Oil. As you do this, point the top of the candle towards your body as if you are drawing energy right towards your body. Place the candle in a candle holder and put this directly over your petition. When you are ready, light the candle, and say a prayer of your choice or read Psalm 23. Now, here’s where the real magic comes in. Facing north, take a deep breath and visualize yourself achieving your intention. Then slowly breathe out towards the candle, making sure your breath “pushes” the energy in a northern direction. Repeat this in each of the three remaining directions.