升級寶石精華 Level Up Gem Essence Elixir


已售出: 6


包含:紅珊瑚,水母,孔雀石,斑彩螺摩蠍座的月亮在泉水和芙蓉,金盞花和蜂蜜中註入白蘭地 這款寶石精華靈丹妙藥為您的目標設定了強大而通暢的道路! 清楚地宣布自己的野心,採取行動並保持專注。 使用方法:大聲說出您的意圖。 在舌頭下方,一杯水,心臟中心或您的祭壇上放4滴,同時著眼於未來的穩定,實現和財富。 15ml Contains: essences of red coral, chrysocolla, malachite, ammonite, and the Capricorn moon held in spring water and hibiscus, calendula, and honey infused brandy Bottled and blessed with manifestation magic in San Francisco, California This gem essence elixir sets a powerful unobstructed path toward your goals! Declare your ambitions clearly, take action and stay focused. To use: Speak your intentions out loud. Place 4 drops under tongue, in a glass of water, on heart center, or on your altar while focusing on a vision of stability, actualization, and wealth for your future.
