厄運B 去除油- 擺脫厄運、詛咒、降頭 Jinx B Gone Oil-Rids one of Jinxes, Curses, Crossed Up, Hexing


已售出: 1


這種油是為了清除厄運、詛咒和交叉條件而創造的,同時為您帶來好運! 非常適合當您似乎陷入困境並且事情有一段時間沒有按照您的意願行事時。 快速清除對您不利的負面工作! 用此油抹在身上,可以保護和淨化身體,用它來點白蠟燭,可以改變你的運氣! 睡覺時戴上它可以驅除煩躁的情緒並清除您的憂慮。 使用這種油來糾正錯誤並結束厄運。 非常適合餵養護身符、魔咒或隨身物品。 與白色、藍色或黑色蠟燭一起使用。 由丁香、佛手柑、檸檬、梔子花和馬鞭草以及其他優質香草製成。 祝福! This oil was created to clear jinxes, curses, and crossed-conditions while bringing good fortune your way! Great for when you seem to be stuck in a rut and things just haven't gone your way for a while. Clears up negative workings performed against you quickly! Use this oil to wear on the body to protect and purify the body and anoint a white candle with it to change your luck! Wear to bed to keep troublesome spirits at bay and to clear your head of worries. Use this oil to set things right and end that spell of bad luck. Great for feeding protective charms, mojos, or carry pieces. Use with white, blue, or black candles. Created with lilac, bergamot, lemon, gardenia, and vervain, plus other fine herbs. blessings! curio only.
