和解油-修補關係,結束爭吵和敵對行動 Reconciliation Oil- Mend relationships, ends quarrels & hostility


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幫助調和任何類型的關係,例如浪漫,工作或業務關係或友誼。 誤解會發生,並且經常會被誤以為是造成傷害感,分手,敵對的環境和怨恨。 讓這種油用於藍色,白色或粉紅色的蠟燭上,可以幫助您治愈和修復這些感覺和關係。 加快和解進程。 Use this formula to aid in reconciling any type of relationship-romantic, work or business relationships or friendships. Misunderstandings happen and can often be blown out of proportion causing hurt feelings, break ups, hostile environments and grudges. Let this oil used on blue, white or pink candles, aid you in healing and repairing these feelings and relationships. Speeding the process of reconciling along.
