喜悅精神噴霧 - 幸福、喜悅、和平、安逸、成功、更新、清晰 Joy Spiritual Mist Spray- Happiness, Joy, Peace, Ease, Success, Renewal, Clear


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祝你幸福、快樂、平安、自在。 使用 Joy Spiritual Mist Spray,在這些黑暗和不確定的時期,將快樂帶入您的內心,讓您的精神煥發活力 這是情緒低落或沮喪時使用的完美混合物*,因為它可以幫助您恢復活力和對生活的熱情。 這些天誰不能使用更多? 它旨在激發您擺脫消極情緒、自憐和懷疑。 消除自我破壞的想法和行為,致力於感恩、自信和內心的平靜。 如果你感到無聊和自滿,你將不會在精神上或物質層面上取得進步。 這種油將通過消除令人討厭的感覺和消極情緒來幫助您前進。 它也以吸引新的友誼和關係而聞名,通過增強您自己的自然光和積極的屬性,Joy Oil 可以在儀式工作期間用在黃色或粉色蠟燭上,給自己帶來更多愛或快樂的態度和氛圍。 將它用在家裡的白色蠟燭上以吸引良好的氛圍,或用在黑色蠟燭上以驅散陳舊或負能量。 您也可以選擇每週或更頻繁地在儀式浴中使用它,直到您開始感覺到自己在更高的平面上振動。 塗上玫瑰花瓣並將它們放在您神聖的祭壇上,以恢復您愛的能力和對抗倦怠。 簡而言之,當您的意圖純淨時,使用 Joy Oil 就沒有錯誤的方法。 由檸檬、迷迭香、紅加侖子、茉莉、蜂蜜、海鹽、天竺葵和金琥珀精製而成。剩下的就是我的秘密。 Wishing you happiness, joy, peace, and ease. Call happiness into your heart and rejuvenate your spirit during these dark and uncertain times with Joy Spiritual Mist Spray This is the perfect blend to use when feeling down or depressed*, as it can help restore your energy and enthusiasm for life. Who couldn't use more of that these days? It is designed to inspire you to shed negativity, self-pity, and doubt. Remove self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors and commit to gratitude, confidence, and peace of mind. If you're bored and complacent, you will not make progress spiritually or on the material plane. This oil will help move you forward by removing nasty feelings and negativity. It is also known for attracting new friendships and relationships, by enhancing your own natural light and positive attributJoy Oil can be used on yellow or pink candles during ritual work to call a more loving or happy attitude and atmosphere to yourself. Use it on white candles in the home to attract good vibes or on black candles to cast out stale or negative energy. You may also choose to use it in a ritual bath weekly or more often until you begin to feel yourself vibrating on a higher plane. Anoint rose petals and place them on your sacred altar to restore your capacity for love and combat burnout. In a nutshell, when your intentions are pure, there is no wrong way to use Joy Oil. Crafted from Lemon, Rosemary, Red Currant, Jasmine, Honey, Sea Salt, Geranium, and Golden Amber The Rest is My Secret.
