固定 7 天玻璃蠟燭七枚幸運幣 - 綠色 Fixed 7 Day Glass Candle Seven Lucky Coins - Green


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蠟燭將燃燒約 120 小時 2 1/2 英吋寬,8 1/8 英吋高 7 幸運幣 7 天蠟燭固定有濃鬱的香味。 獲得七枚硬幣,最好是由七個不同的人提供的相同面值的硬幣; 它們必須具有相同的大小。 用冷水清洗並晾乾。 將蠟燭放在硬幣上,用木火柴點燃它,讓蠟燭自行燃燒。 當蠟燭完全燃燒後,清除玻璃容器中的所有殘留物(燭芯及其底座除外),將它們放入蠟燭隨附的小袋中; 為了提高效率,添加一件個人物品並將其放在您的錢包、錢包、汽車或任何您存放錢的地方。 Candle will burn about 120hrs 2 1/2" wide and 8 1/8" tall 7 Lucky Coins 7 Day Candle is fixed with strong fragrance. Obtain seven coins preferably given to you by seven different people of the same denomination of value; these must be of the same size. Wash them with cold water and dry. Place the candle over the coins and light it with a wooden match and let the candle consume itself. When the candle has been burned completely, remove any residue from the glass container (except the wick and its base) placing them inside the pouch that comes with the candle; for greater effectiveness add a personal belonging and carry it in your purse, wallet, in your car or where ever you keep your money.
