埃及豔后油用於愛情、吸引力和誘惑 Cleopatra Oil for Love, Attraction & Seduction


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我們的埃及豔后油非常適合點燃您的愛情生活並增添額外的情趣! 它具有喚醒感官和吸引異性的所有正確成分。 在老式的 Hoodoo 中,埃及豔后的混合可以在兩個人之間建立更深的聯繫,並挽回迷路的愛人。 我們的埃及豔后油以偉大的誘惑者命名,會讓您無法抗拒。 它有 ½ 盎司。 玻璃瓶。 我們的埃及豔后油有什麼作用: 增強感性、性慾和誘惑力。 加深情侶之間的浪漫關係。 帶回一個迷路的愛人,讓你現在的伴侶注視著你。 讓用戶對其他人完全無法抗拒。 埃及豔后油的成分是什麼: 它由檀香、蓮花、橙子、乳香、菖蒲、基列香脂和淡淡的麝香製成。 如何使用埃及豔后油: 有多種使用埃及豔后油的方法。 在你男人沒洗的內衣或襪子上塗一些,然後把它們埋在院子裡。 很多人可能只是簡單地塗抹他們男人的任何個人財產,同時大聲表達他們的意圖。 滴幾滴在床單上或床墊下面。 請注意埃及豔后油會弄髒。 另一個好方法是拿一個碗,在裡面裝滿玫瑰、橙子和肉桂。 添加埃及豔后油並將其放在床下。 對於一個簡單的和解技巧,拿一張你前任的照片,然後用一點埃及豔后油塗抹它。 然後,在您睡覺時讓他的臉朝向您,將他的臉別在您的床墊或床頭板後面。 如何在法術或儀式中使用埃及豔后油: 對於埃及豔后蠟燭儀式,您需要粉色或紅色蠟燭。 您也可以選擇使用 7 天的玻璃包裹蠟燭。 只需使用針或牙籤將您的愛情願望(例如特定名稱或特定結果)刻在蠟燭上即可。 然後取一些埃及豔后油,將油向上拉向您的方向,以此來塗抹蠟燭; 結束於燈芯。 另一種方法是簡單地將您的請願書寫在羊皮紙或牛皮紙袋上。 將它對折,確保朝自己的方向折疊,摺痕遠離。 將其旋轉 90 度並再次折疊。 然後,將它放在一根 7 天蠟燭下方,或者放在柱狀蠟燭所在的盤子或燭台下方。 如果您決定使用 7 天蠟燭,則必須先在頂部蠟上打四個孔,然後將幾滴埃及豔后油倒入每個孔中。 不要做過頭了。 太多的油會影響蠟燭的燃燒方式。 筷子往往是一個很好的工具,一把小螺絲刀也同樣有效。 接下來,將蠟燭放在您的請願書上並點燃它。 背誦詩篇 23,因為這段聖經經文一直是魔術/浪漫儀式的傳統背誦。 您還可以閱讀所羅門之歌,這是一本很好的愛情咒語讀物。 讓火焰自行完全燃燒。 Our Cleopatra Oil is perfect for igniting your love life and adding extra spice! It has all the right ingredients to arouse the senses and draw in the opposite sex. In good old-fashioned Hoodoo, a Cleopatra blend can create a deeper bond between two people and bring back a straying lover. Named after the great seductress, our Cleopatra Oil will make you simply irresistible. It comes in a ½ oz. glass bottle. What does our Cleopatra Oil do: Enhance sensuality, sexuality, and seduction. Deepen the bond between a couple in a romantic relationship. Bring back a straying lover and keep your current partner's eyes on you. Make the user utterly irresistible to others. What are the ingredients in Cleopatra Oil: It is made with sandalwood, lotus, orange, frankincense, calamus, Balm of Gilead, and a touch of musk. How to use Cleopatra Oil: There are a multitude of ways to use Cleopatra Oil. Anoint some on your man's unwashed underwear or socks and then bury them in the yard. A lot of people may simply anoint any of their man's personal possessions while verbalizing their intentions aloud. Place a few drops on your sheets or on the underside of your mattress. Just be aware that Cleopatra Oil will stain. Another great method is to get a bowl and fill it with roses, oranges, and cinnamon. Add Cleopatra Oil and place it under your bed. For a simple reconciliation technique, get a picture of your ex and anoint it with a little Cleopatra Oil. Then, with his face pointing toward you as you sleep, pin it behind your mattress or headboard. How to use Cleopatra Oil in a Spell or Ritual: For a Cleopatra candle ritual, you will need pink or red candles. You can choose to work with a 7-day glass-encased candle as well. Simply engrave your love desire, such as a specific name or a specific outcome, onto the candle by using a needle or toothpick. Then take some Cleopatra Oil and anoint the candle by pulling the oil up the candle towards you; ending at the wick. Another technique is to simply write your petition on either parchment paper or a piece of brown paper bag. Fold it in half making sure you fold it towards you, with the crease away. Turn it 90 degrees and fold it again. Then, place it beneath a 7-day candle or under the plate or candle holder that your pillar candle is on. If you do decide to use a 7-day candle, you must first make four holes in the top wax and pour a few drops of Cleopatra Oil into each of the holes. Do not overdo it. Too much oil can affect the way the candle will burn. Chopsticks tend to be a great tool for this and a small screwdriver works equally well. Next, put the candle on top of your petition and light it. Recite Psalm 23, as this Biblical passage has been the traditional recitation for conjuring/romance rituals. You could also read Song of Solomon, which is a great reading for love spells. Allow the flame to completely burn out on its own.
