塔羅命運之輪小玻璃蠟燭 tarot wheel of fortune small glass candle


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點燃塔羅罐蠟燭,可以讓事情朝著正確的方向發展,可以圓滿道路。同時,你也可以補充你內心所缺乏的能量。 根本性的改變迫在眉睫。您在此期間獲得的積極好處可能會持續很長時間。命運之輪是模式和週期。現在等等——元素仍在運動。 綠葉花香香味 Fundamental change is imminent. The positive benefits you experience during this period may last a long time. The Wheel of Fortune is about patterns and cycles. Now wait - the elements are still in motion. Green leafy floral scent Burn the tarot jar candle, in order to get the things go in a right directions, and it can fulfill the path. At the meantime, you can fill in the energy that your inner self lack of.
