士多啤梨愛戀魔法耳環 Strawberry Love Magick Earrings


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士多啤梨愛戀魔法耳環 效果: 配帶後,增加別人你的熱情度,解決各式感情煩惱 合金帶油漆 本店所售的魔法耳環是一對計算,要一對一起配帶才有效果 首飾的物料也會有機會變色,也又有可能會出現皮膚敏感 飾物產地多數來自中國,印度等地區,魔法部分就100%來自美國 對於上述情況帶有質疑或介意物料和產地者,請不要購入 Strawberry Love Magick Earrings effect: After wearing it, , you can increase your enthusiasm for others and solve all kinds of love troubles The magic earrings sold in our store are in pair. It only works if they are paired together. Jewellery materials may also have a chance to discolor, and skin sensitivity may also occur
