夫人和夏娃油- 女同性戀愛夥伴平等 Madam & Eve Oil-Lesbian, Love, Partnership, Equality


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一個新公式,專為我的女同性戀朋友和同修設計! 這種油旨在提高女同性戀夫婦的生活質量、愛情、人際關係和幸福感。 由白根、烷烴油、夏娃根油等製成。 1/2 盎司油可在您的日常練習中佩戴和/或使用,並增強您的顯化能力! A NEW formula, designed specifically for my lesbian friends and fellow practitioners! This oil is designed to enhance the quality of life, love, relationships and happiness of lesbian couples. Created with beth root, alkanet oil, eve root oil and more. 1/2 ounce of oil to wear and/or use in your daily practices and to enhance your power of manifestation!
