失而復得的油 Lost & Away Oil-Send Them Away Bewildered and Confused


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當面對施虐者、瘋狂的前任、纏擾者等時,使用這種油來提供主要保護。這是使用這種油的完美咒語;擺脫某人並使他們感到困惑,以便他們不會回來;在一張牛皮紙(棕色紙)上用墨水寫下這個人的名字。如果你有照片,你可以在照片背面寫上名字。用我的 Lost and Away 油塗抹這張紙/照片。將它捲起來,放入裝有 la sal negra(黑鹽)、墓地泥土和辣椒的罐子中。在罐子頂部點燃一根黑色蠟燭以密封它。把這個罐子扔進活水里。如果被帶走,此人將在 9 天內離開。如果它下沉或被帶向你,你必須重複這個咒語,在 9 天內在頂部點燃另一根黑色蠟燭。在蠟燭上寫上字,然後用 Lost and Away 油塗抹。我的油是用槲寄生、硫磺、鳶尾根、鼠尾草、鼠尾草精油和十字路口的泥土製成的。祝你好運! Use this oil for major protection when faced with an abuser, crazed ex, stalker, etc. Here is a perfect spell to use with this oil; To be rid of someone and cause them confusion so they will not return; On a piece of vellum (brown paper) write in ink the name of this person. If you have a photograph you can write the name on the back of the photograph. Anoint this paper/photograph with my Lost and Away oil. Roll it up and add it to a jar with la sal negra (black salt), graveyard dirt, and cayenne pepper. Burn a black candle on top of the jar to seal it. Throw this jar into a live body of water. If it is carried away, the person will leave within 9 days. If it sinks or is carried towards you, you must repeat the spell, lighting another black candle on top over 9 days. Inscribe the candle and anoint it with Lost and Away oil. My oil is created with mistletoe, sulphur, orris root, sage, sage essential oil, and earth from a crossroads. Good luck!
