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奢侈的生活油 Life of Luxury Oil
已售出: 8
財富、財富、新風險、業務增長和金融繁榮 Our Life of Luxury Oil 混合了我們歐洲祖先豐富而神秘的傳統和傳說。我們的 Life of Luxury Oil 富含因其有助於財富、豐富和繁榮的能力而備受推崇的草藥和油,包括一些真正出色的成分,如黃塢、黃樟、馬鞭草、羅勒、繡線菊、橡子、黃鐵礦等。雖然這種混合物非常適合繁榮符咒,但我們經常建議在從事任何類型的新企業或事業時使用這種混合物。對於那些渴望生意興隆或渴望發展事業的人來說,這也很棒。它可用於加薪、業務增長、財務繁榮和個人目標的整體成功。它裝在一個½盎司的瓶子裡。 我們的 Life of Luxury Oils 可以塗抹在身體上、塗抹在浴缸中或塗抹在您最喜愛的珠寶上。在重要的文件、銀行對賬單或錢包裡的現金上塗抹一些。在盛滿米飯的碗上滴幾滴油,然後將其放在床底下。在七葉樹、橡子或整個肉荳蔻上塗抹一些,然後隨身攜帶。在您的前門或營業場所擦一些。在您的名片、收銀機或工作申請表上擦一些。在會見重要人物之前,先在手上擦一些,或在鞋跟處輕拍一些。在一些雪松片上滴幾滴,然後把它們放在你的前門。 對於蠟燭儀式,我們建議使用綠色 7 旋鈕蠟燭。取幾滴我們的 Life of Luxury Oil,將油從蠟燭上吸向燈芯。然後,在一張羊皮紙上寫下您的請願書,將紙對折,確保將紙對著您折疊(如果您沒有可用的羊皮紙,您也可以在一張棕色紙袋上這樣做)。將蠟燭放在合適的燭台上,並將其放在請願書的頂部。準備好後,在點燃蠟燭的同時祈禱或說出您的意圖。你也可以背誦詩篇 23。每晚燒一個旋鈕,總共 7 個晚上。帶走遺體並將它們埋在您的後院或在十字路口離開。如果你有幸在你附近有一棵橡樹,你可以將遺骸放在它的底部附近。 我們的奢華生活油也可用於增強和祝福護身符。在歐洲使用的更強大的護身符之一是貝殼。考里貝殼效果很好,歷史上因其能夠吸引繁榮和保護而受到尊敬。是的,在歐洲曾經被用作一種貨幣形式。您還可以選擇使用任何可能對您有意義的護身符。它可以是一件珠寶(戒指效果很好)、寶石、珠子,甚至是來自您最喜歡的樹種的一小塊木頭。您只需要一根白色的小蠟燭和一些黃色或金色的繩子。用一些 Life of Luxury Oil 塗抹你的蠟燭。準備好後,點燃蠟燭並取一條黃線。你要在螺紋上打 9 節。每次打結時,大聲說出你的意圖。接下來,拿起你的線,將它纏繞在你的護身符上。將護身符放在蠟燭上並重複以下操作: “May God above and all around. Look down on me and be it so. Bless, protect and all shall grow.” 每次新月塗抹護身符。 在另一個版本中,蠟燭不是必需的。只需執行結法術並包裹您的護身符。用油塗抹它,然後在滿月期間將其埋葬過夜(您可能想將其埋在塑料袋中)。 Our Life of Luxury Oil is a blend dedicated to the rich and mysterious traditions and lore of our European ancestors. Loaded with herbs and oils revered for their ability to aid in wealth, abundance and prosperity, our Life of Luxury Oil includes some truly magnificent ingredients such as yellow dock, sassafras, vervain, basil, meadowsweet, acorn, pyrite and many others. Although the blend is great for prosperity spells, we often recommend using this blend while working on any type of new venture or undertaking. It’s also great for those of you who desire a prosperous business or are eager to advance your career. It can be used for raises, business growth, financial prosperity and the overall success of one’s goals. It comes in a ½ oz bottle. Our Life of Luxury Oils can be worn on the body, dabbed into the bath or anointed on your favorite jewelry. Anoint some on important papers, bank statements or cash in your wallet. Place a few drops of oil on a bowl full a rice and keep it under your bed. Anoint some on a buckeye, acorn or whole nutmeg and carry it on you. Rub some down on your front door or place of business. Rub some on your business cards, your cash register or job applications. Rub some on your hands prior to meeting important people or dab some in the heel of your shoe . Place a few drop on some cedar chips and leave them by your front door. For a candle ritual, we suggest working with a green 7 knob candle. Take a few drops of our Life of Luxury Oil and draw the oil up the candle towards the wick. Then, on a piece of parchment paper write out your petition, fold the paper in half making sure you fold the paper towards you (you may also do this on a piece of brown paper bag should you not have any parchment paper available). Place the candle in an appropriate candle holder and set it on top of your petition. When ready, say a prayer or speak your intention while lighting the candle. You may also recite Psalm 23. Burn one knob a night for a total of 7 nights. Takes the remains and bury them in your backyard or leave at a crossroads. If your lucky enough to have an oak tree near you, you can place the remains near its base. Our Life of Luxury Oil can also be used to empower and bless an amulet. One of the more powerful amulets used in Europe was the sea shell. Cowrie shells work well and have historically revered for their ability to draw in both prosperity and protection. Yes, in Europe the were once used as a form of currency. You can also choose to work with any type of amulet that may have significance for you. It can be a piece of jewelry (rings work great), a gemstone, bead or even a small piece of wood from your favorite type of tree. All you will need is a small white votive candle and some yellow or gold string. Anoint your candle with some Life of Luxury Oil. When ready, light the candle and take a piece of yellow thread. You are going to make 9 knots into the thread. Each time you make a knot, say your intention out loud. Next, take your thread and wrap it around your amulet. Hold the amulet over the candle and repeat the following: “May God above and all around. Look down on me and be it so. Bless, protect and all shall grow.” Anoint the amulet every new moon. In another version of this, the candle is not necessary. Simply perform the knot spell and wrap your amulet. Anoint it with oil, then bury it overnight during a full moon (you may want to bury it in a plastic bag).