奧丁的祝福四元素天鵝絨祭壇儀式布 Odin's Blessing Four Elements Velvet Altar Ritual Cloth


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奧丁的祝福四元素天鵝絨祭壇儀式布 尺寸:74cmx60cm 奧丁,北歐神話中的眾神之王,符文魔法的創造者,加速並穩定您在符文占卜祈禱儀式中所需的能量。 地、氣、水、火四大元素包圍,抽像畫風融為一體 Odin's Blessing Four Elements Velvet Altar Ritual Cloth Size: 74cmx60cm Odin, king of the gods in Norse mythology, creator of rune magic, accelerates and stabilizes the energy you need in your rune divination prayer rituals. Surrounded by the four elements of earth, air, water and fire, the abstract painting style is integrated
