女巫結芳香蠟燭 Witch's Knot Aromatic Candle


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女巫結芳香蠟燭,可防禦咒語、惡咒、邪眼、逆轉咒語和不良能量。 點燃這支蠟燭,讓它的火焰成為您的保護者,抵禦您空間中的負能量。當您利用代表無限可能性的圓圈的力量以及四個連續運動時,體驗數百年傳統的變革能量-拐角結。為您的周圍環境注入積極的氛圍,挖掘您內在的魔力。無論是創造一個神聖的保護空間、冥想還是設定顯化意圖,我們的女巫結蠟燭都將引導您踏上精神成長和賦權之旅。 Witch's Knot Aromatic Candle for Protection Against Spells, Jinxes , evil eye and reversing spells and bad energy Light this candle and let its flame serve as your protector, warding off negative energy from your space. Experience the transformative energy of centuries-old traditions as you draw upon the power of the circle, representing endless possibilities, and the continuous motion of the four-cornered knot. Infuse your surroundings with positive vibes and tap into your inner magick. Whether it's creating a sacred space for protection, meditation or setting intentions for manifestation, our Witches Knot Candle will guide you on a journey of spiritual growth and empowerment.
