威肯五角銅手鐲 Wiccan PENTACLE Copper Bangle


已售出: 1


銅手鐲在中央優雅地刻有三個異教徒的五角形,並飾有凱爾特結的工作圖案,並帶有鏈環設計,能增強自身靈力和個人能量。 這款2厘米寬的手鐲有一個尺寸。 請注意:銅會在皮膚上留下綠色痕跡,可以通過在內部塗上透明的指甲油來防止這種情況。 Lovely copper bangle elegantly engraved with three Pagan pentacles in the centre and decorated with Celtic knot work patterns edged with a chain link design. This 2 cm wide bangle comes in one size. Please note: copper can leave green marks on the skin, this can be prevented by painting the inside with clear nail varnish.
