守護天使魔法儀式油香水,提供精神保護,抵禦精神攻擊和環境壓力 Guardian Angel Magickal Ritual Perfume Oil for Spiritual Protection Against Psychic Attack and Environmental Stress


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防止精神和心靈攻擊,當您需要有人保護您時召喚守護天使的力量! 排斥負能量和風水(環境)壓力,提升勇氣並創造一個心靈偏轉護盾。 當涉及死靈術或任何可能讓你與精神或物質層面的負面實體接觸的精神交流時,這很有用。 在旅行或與難相處的人打交道之前申請! 每個瓶子都含有一顆拉長石晶體,用於與精神領域、直覺和神秘的溝通。 我所有的芳香油都是純素的,無殘忍,並由專門挑選的優質有機植物、樹脂和純精油(絕不是香精油)小批量手工混合而成,在吉祥的月相和特殊用途的標誌上。 每個藥草包裝瓶中都含有專門為精油的所需用途而選擇的晶體。 以荷荷巴油為基礎,用於生產持久、無刺激、對皮膚安全的產品,可保持新鮮度並防止添加的精油和植物成分酸敗。 僅限外用! Protects against spiritual and psychic attacks, calls in the forces of Guardian Angels when you need someone to watch your back! Repels negative energies and geopathic (environmental) stress, promotes courage and creates a psychic deflector shield. Useful when involved in necromancy or any sort of spiritual communication that might put you in contact with negative entities on either the spirtitual or physical plane. Apply before travelling or dealing with difficult people! Each bottle contains a labradorite crystal for communication with the spiritual realm, intuition, and access to the mysteries. All of my deliciously scented oils are VEGAN, cruelty-free, and hand-blended in small batches from specially selected quality organic botanicals, resins, and pure essential oils (NEVER fragrance oils) on the auspicious moon phase and sign for the particular purpose. Each herb-packed bottle contains a crystal specifically chosen for the desired intentions of the oil. A base of jojoba oil is used to produce a long lasting, non-irritating, skin safe product that preserves freshness and prevents rancidity in added essential oils and botanical ingredients. FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY!
