密封交易油-進行積極進取的浪漫運動 Seal the Deal Oil - For positive, progressive romantic movement


已售出: 1


“達成協議”是為了從停滯的情境中獲得結果和積極的行動。 它的工作原理是打開和釋放愛情通道中的障礙物,並使參與的各方聯繫起來。 在紅蠟燭上使用。 從星期五開始,每天燒一支蠟燭,持續5天。 由蜂蜜,主根,樹林主,玫瑰果,可可等製成。 "Seal the Deal" is to get results and positive movement from stagnant love situations. It works by opening and releasing blockages in the love avenues and bonding the parties involved. Use on red candles. Burn one candle each day, beginning on Friay, for 5 days. Created with honey, master root, master of the woods, rose hips, cocoa and more.
