寬恕油-消除爭吵,軟化脾氣,保持鎮定 Forgiveness Oil - Clear up quarrels, soften tempers, calmness


已售出: 3


我想到了這種混合物,以幫助真正解決任何人的朋友,戀人,家庭同事之間的爭吵。 這將有助於冷卻脾氣並軟化剛硬的心意。 用這種油在任何情況下都有助於保持和平。 將幾滴這種油加到一小碗水中,放在目標物的主要位置。 您也可以將其添加到擴散器中,以散佈和平並以平靜和諒解使該區域飽和。 促進家中的康復和平靜的溝通。 這種油也可以幫助他人理解您的觀點。 可在粉紅色,白色或藍色蠟燭上使用,以營造一個寧靜的家庭和無怒的環境。 I conjured this blend to aid in the settling of quarrels among friends, lovers, families co-workers-anyone really. It will help cool a hot temper and soften a hardened heart. Help keep the peace in any circumstance with this oil. Add a few drops of this oil to a small bowl of water and place in a predominant place among the targets. You can also add it to a diffuser in order to spread the peace and saturate the area with calmness and understanding. Promote healing and calm communication in your home. This oil helps others to understand your point of view as well. Use on pink, white, or blue candles for a peace filled home and anger-free environment. Created from frangi pani, ylang ylang, and lily of the valley oils. t
