尋找家居油-輕鬆找到家Home Hunter Oil - eases finding a home


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通過尋找選擇權,吸引選擇權以及使您的財務狀況井井有條,這種油將有助於您是否要尋找公寓,房屋或任何您想稱為“家”的東西。該油必須至少與該咒語一起使用一次,但我建議您每個月使用一次,直到找到理想的家為止。 This oil will help whether you are looking for an apartment, a house, whatever you want to call "home" by hunting down your options, drawing them to you, and helping to get your finances in order. This oil must be used with this spell at least once, but I recommend you do it each month until you find your dream home. Get a 2 sheets of blank paper, scissors and tape/glue. Stack the sheets on top of each other and cut out your dream home-you want two exact images-it doesn't have to be perfect but get as detailed as you'd like. Then make paper people to represent everyone who will be living with you in that home-you can even cut out animals shapes for pets. Place all the people and pets in between the two house shapes-glue or tape them down and glue the two "walls" of the house on top of one another. Anoint the 4 corners of the house and say "A home for me is what I see to live in harmony. To dwell in peace, love, and happiness is what I need." Keep your little house for a while, praying with it daily. When you are ready take it to a crossroads and leave it with a coin as an offering and payment for the deities help with finding your home. Anoint orange, green, or blue candles with this oil while you continue to look for your home. Once you find your home, get to know it's spirit, listen to it, give it offerings, and take care of it so it will take care of you.
