幸運錢 14天7色玻璃蠟燭 Lucky Money Drawing 14 day Candle


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蠟燭將燃燒大約 240 小時。它的尺寸為 9 英寸高和 4 英寸寬。 燃燒這支 14 天蠟燭將為您帶來金錢。為您的生活帶來好運和繁榮。為您的家和您的家人帶來好運。成功、金錢和愛將是你的!獲得您一直在等待的好運和幫助之手!永遠不要破產、孤獨或有壓力。這支蠟燭會幫助你。 Candle will burn approximately 240 hours. It's dimensions are 9" Tall and 4" Wide. Burn this 14 Day candle will draw money to you. Receive good Luck and Prosperit for your Life. Bring Good Luck for your home and your family. Success, Money & Love will be yours! Get the Good Fortune and Helping Hand you have been waiting for! Never be broke, loney or stressed. This candle will help you.
