底脈輪草藥小蠟燭 ROOT CHAKRA Herbal votive




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非常適合用於冥想、脈輪重新平衡、放鬆音樂或坐在您的神聖空間中。 精油香精混合物: 雪鬆與地球的力量和自然生命形式聯繫起來。丁香釋放壓抑的能量並從無益的模式中解放出來。 每個還願燃燒大約 12 - 15 小時。 根脈輪 - 基礎脈輪 - 第一脈輪 位於脊椎和腹股溝區域的底部,這是動物或基礎性質。它也是味覺和嗅覺。根脈輪與腎上腺、腎臟、肌肉和動脈血有關。 底脈輪將我們與物質世界、穩固性和支持聯繫起來——尤其是與物質身體。它是能量的基礎。 基礎或根脈輪強烈地表現在通過食物、休息和性表達來確保個人生存的動機上。在精神上,基礎脈輪與保護個人完整性有關。它是一個能量中心,為我們建立平衡以提升到更高的意識提供了堅實的基礎。 Ideal for use in meditation, Chakra rebalancing, relaxing to music, or sitting in your sacred space. Essential Oil Fragrance Blend: Cedar to connect with earthly forces and natural life forms. Clove to release suppressed energies and liberate from unhelpful patterns. Each votive burns for approximately 12 - 15 hours. ROOT CHAKRA - BASE CHAKRA - FIRST CHAKRA Located at the base of the spine and groin area, this is the animal or base nature. It is also taste and smell. The Root chakra is associated with adrenals, kidneys, muscles and arterial blood. The Root Chakra links us to the physical world, solidity and support - especially to the physical body. It is the foundation of energy. The Base or Root Chakra manifests strongly in the motivation to ensure personal survival by way of food, rest, and sexual expression. Spiritually, the base chakra has to do with protection of individual integrity. It is an energy center that provides a solid ground from which to establish our equilibrium in order to ascend to higher awareness.
