強大之手7天禱告蠟燭 Powerful Hand 7 Day Prayer Candle


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尋求聖徒和天使的幫助 羅馬天主教的有力之手(西班牙語中的Poderosa)描繪了上帝的右手,手指和拇指直立伸展。帶有污垢的手掌面向觀察者。四個手指上方的數字代表聖約瑟夫,聖母瑪利亞和她的父母聖約阿希姆和聖安妮。拇指上描繪了基督的孩子。 通常情況下,手被顯示為帶有小翅膀的小天使頭漂浮在手上方的天空中。有時,四個女天使跪在手旁邊,抬頭凝望著被釘十字架的工具。其中一位天使拿著一個碗來盛耶穌的血。另一個天使拿著矛,醋浸的醋,錘子和釘子。第三個天使拿著十字架,第四個天使拿著荊棘冠冕。 這張照片Mano Poderosa在整個墨西哥頗受歡迎,通常以聖卡和奉獻的蠟燭出售。手的含義可能源於遠古時代,作為魔法保護和祝福的標誌。歷史學家卡拉·維施(Carla Wisch)解釋說:“在通俗的天主教中,萬能之手象徵著基督的全能之手。斷頭的手使人聯想起耶穌釘在十字架上的形象。 它很可能是從基督教前的異教儀式演變而來,預言了基督的到來。在歐洲,它被稱為聖安娜的“安娜之手”,並被用作助記符,以幫助忠實的人回憶起祈禱和供詞的順序。” 馬諾·波德羅薩(Mano Poderosa)禱告:I place my soul before Thee and in my despair and anguish. Beseech Thee to bring the most powerful strength of Thy Helping Hand to come to my rescue. I place the devotion of my sorrowful heart at Thy feet that I May be pardoned from a destiny of suffering. May the loving kindness of Thy Sacred Heart and the wonders of Thy Powerful Hand help me and give me Strength and wisdom to live in peace and happiness. AMEN.” 說明:用火柴或打火機點燃蠟燭,然後祈禱。您可以隨時熄滅蠟燭,也可以讓蠟燭燃燒到最後。每次您重新點燃蠟燭時,都要祈禱以恢復您的目標。您可以在蠟燭杯上寫下您的名字來個性化祈禱。用黑色記號筆在蠟燭上寫下您的名字或其他人的名字。蠟燭完全燒儘後,您可以扔掉杯子。 該蠟燭大約高8英寸,重1磅4盎司 For Help From The Saints & Angels The Roman Catholic image of the Powerful Hand (Mano Poderosa in Spanish) depicts the right hand of God with fingers and thumb stretched upright. The palm, with its stigmata, faces toward the viewer. The figures that stand at the top of the four fingers represent St. Joseph, the Virgin Mary, and her parents, St. Joachim and St. Anne. The Christ Child is depicted on the thumb. Often, the hand is shown with small winged cherub-heads floating in the sky above the hand. Sometimes, four female angels kneel beside the hand, gazing upward and bearing the tools of the crucifixion. One of the angels holds a bowl to catch Jesus' blood; another angel holds a spear, a vinegar soaked-sponge, a hammer and nails. A third angel holds a cross and the fourth, a crown of thorns. This image, the Mano Poderosa is quite popular throughout Mexico, and is often sold on holy cards and votive candles. The meaning of the hand may derive from ancient times as a sign of magical protection and benediction. Historian Carla Wisch explains, "Within popular Catholicism, the Omnipotent Hand symbolizes the all-powerful hand of Christ. With its stigmata, the severed hand evokes the image of Jesus' hand nailed to the Cross. It most likely evolved from pre-Christian pagan rituals that prophesied the coming of Christ. In Europe it was known as the "Anna Hand," for St. Anne, and was used as a mnemonic device to help the faithful recall the order of prayers and confessions." Mano Poderosa Prayer: “I place my soul before Thee and in my despair and anguish. Beseech Thee to bring the most powerful strength of Thy Helping Hand to come to my rescue. I place the devotion of my sorrowful heart at Thy feet that I May be pardoned from a destiny of suffering. May the loving kindness of Thy Sacred Heart and the wonders of Thy Powerful Hand help me and give me Strength and wisdom to live in peace and happiness. AMEN.” Instructions: Light the candle with a match or lighter and say a prayer of your choice. You can put the candle out at anytime or let it burn to the end. Each time you relight the candle say a prayer to reenergize your goals. You can write your name on the glass of the candle to personalize the prayer. Use a black marker and write your name or another persons name on the candle. After the candle has fully burned down you can throw away the glass. This candle is approximately 8” tall and weights 1 LB 4 OZ
