心意修復機油-更新,恢復和創建新的受支持的目標 Heart Heal Oil-Renew, Restore and Create New, Supported Goals


已售出: 2


通過健康,積極的進步,從消極的關係,恐懼或虐待中前進。 旨在幫助您恢復,更新和恢復,同時支持您的新目標,並為自我愛和成長創造安全的空間。 該油旨在幫助您過上最美好的生活,並取得成就和自我愛護。 用繡球根,garden子花,玫瑰,矢車菊,丁香等製成。 用於刻有新目標的粉紅色或藍色人物蠟燭。 To move forward, with health and positive progress, from negative relationships, fears or abuse. Created to help heal, renew and restore while supporting your new goals and creating a safe space for self love and growth. This oil is designed to help you life your best life and gain achievements and self love. Created with hydrangea root, gardenia, rose, cornflower, lilac and more. Use on pink or blue figure candles inscribed with your new goals.
