心理卸妝油用於消極淨化心理保護 Psychic Cleansing Oil for Negativity, Purification and Psychic Protection


已售出: 2


我們的通靈卸妝油非常適合那些想要擺脫所有消極和包袱的人,這些消極和包袱會阻礙您清晰思考和獲得積極能量。情緒可以在我們的日常生活中發揮重要作用,我們的精神卸妝油可以清除一天中可能經歷的所有陰鬱和不確定的想法和感覺精神卸妝油是您在面臨壓力的一天后使用的理想混合物溝通不暢、消極互動,或者當你發現自己被那些消耗你精力的人包圍時。是的,我說的是那些經常被稱為通靈吸血鬼的人!我們的通靈卸妝油還包括具有保護作用的草藥,可以幫助您遠離他人的負面意圖或能量。我們的通靈卸妝油採用檸檬草、百里香、牛膝草、月桂、薰衣草和胡蘆巴製成,裝在 ½ 盎司瓶裝中。 通靈卸妝油可以塗抹在身體上,放在浴缸裡,塗在護身符上,甚至可以放在熱毛巾上擦在脖子後面或沿著前額放置。在您的第三隻眼或腳底上輕拍一些。在你最喜歡的洗髮水中滴幾滴。你甚至可以在你的家具或工作空間上擦一些來清除能量。當被介紹給新朋友時,在你的手上擦一些。將一些加入裝有猶太潔食鹽的碗中,然後將其放在家中或床底下。在冥想或進行瑜伽等精神練習時,在精油擴散器中燃燒一些。 對於一個簡單的技術,在白色或金色蠟燭上塗抹一些油,將油“向上”拉向一周。點燃蠟燭,想像自己被頭頂周圍的白光或金光包圍。 Our Psychic Cleansing Oil is perfect for those of you who would like to rid yourself of all the negativity and baggage that can hinder you from clear thinking and positive energy. Emotions can play a significant role in our daily lives and our Psychic Cleansing Oil can clear away all the gloomy and unaffirmative thoughts and feelings one may experience throughout the day Psychic Cleansing Oil is the ideal blend to use after a stressful day when you have been confronted with poor communication, negative interactions or when you have found yourself surrounded by people who zap your energy. Yes, I am talking about those individuals who are often referred to as Psychic Vampires! Our Psychic Cleansing Oil also includes herbs that have a protective quality which can help shield you from others negative intentions or energies. Made with Lemon Grass, Thyme, Hyssop, Bay, Lavender and Fenugreek, our Psychic Cleansing Oil comes in a ½ oz bottle. Psychic Cleansing Oil can be dabbed on the body, put in the bath, anointed on talismans or even placed on a hot wash cloth and rubbed on the back of the neck or placed along the forehead. Dab some on your third eye or on the soles of your feet. Put a few drops in your favorite shampoo. You can even rub some on your furniture or workspace to clear the energy. Rub some on your hands when being introduced to new people. Add some into a bowl with Kosher salt and place it in the middle of your home or under your bed. Burn some in an oil diffuser while meditating or performing spiritual practices such as yoga. For a simple, divination technique, anoint some on a white or gold candle pulling the oil “up” the candle towards the week. Light the candle and visualize yourself surrounded by white light or gold light around the crown of your head.
