恢復丟失的錢蠟燭 Hoo Doo Recover Lost Money Candle


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是否借出,被盜或不明智地投資; 這個蠟燭是要把屬於你的東西帶回家。 在紙上寫下您的名字,損失的金額以及損失方式。 一邊唸"Return to Me."。 將鈔票放在標籤上,然後將它們朝自己的方向折疊。 順時針旋轉標籤90度,然後再次折疊。 再重複一次。 將折疊後的紙放在燭台下; 每天點燃蠟燭,直到您的錢返還 帶有甜柑橘味的南瓜色蠟燭。 2 x 4支柱燃燒40小時。 點燃前請移開所有包裝,切勿無人看管燃燒的蠟燭。 Whether lent, stolen, or invested unwisely; this recipe is to draw home what belongs to you. Write your name, the amount of money you lost, and how you lost it on a piece of paper. While chanting "Return to Me." place a dollar bill on the label and fold them both towards you. Turn the label ninety degrees clockwise and fold again. Repeat one more time. Place the folded paper under your candleholder; light the candle every day until your money returns A pumpkin-colored candle with a sweet citrus scent. 2 x4 pillar burns for 40 hours. Remove all packaging before lighting and never leave a burning candle unattended.
