恢復淡香水噴霧 Recuperation Perfume Mist


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Recuperation Perfume Mist by Angelic Noir 拋棄舊事物,開始新生活,這對從各種類型的成癮中康復的人們都有益。 當您生病時向身體噴灑,可以吸收人體內的疾病,並將其從個人身上驅逐出去。 在您的房間和環境周圍噴灑,以刷新精神能量。 用精油,精神古龍水和蒸餾水製成。 Leave the old behind and begin a new life.It benefits for people recovering from addictions of all types. Spray on your body when you get sick, it absorb the illness in a person and banish it from the individual. Spray around your room and environment to freshen up the spiritual energy. Made with essential oils, spiritual cologne & distilled water.
