情人呼喚油-呼喚情人,保持注意力 Lovers Call Oil - call in a lover, keep their attention


已售出: 3


這種精油旨在引起您已經認識的人的注意和產生的效果,或者將其召喚給新的戀人! 旨在實現溝通,互惠,情感紐帶,身體會議和彼此積極交流。 在您想要吸引性別的粉紅色蠟燭上使用,或在出席公開場合時,把油塗在脈博點。 您也可以將其添加到您的浴室和護髮素中,將自己包裹在一個充滿愛的魔幻般的光環中! This oil is designed to get attention and results from either someone you already know or to put the call out for a new lover! Designed to bring about communication, reciprocity, emotional bonding, physical meetings and positive exchanges with each other. Use on a pink figure candle of the gender you wish to attract or where on your pulse points when out in public. You can also add it to your bath and conditioner to wrap yourself in an enveloping aura of love drawing magic!
