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情人男孩油用於個人魅力自信誘惑 Lover Boy Oil for Personal Charm, Self- Confidence, Seduction, Attraction, & Conjure
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我們的情人男孩油專為那些希望對女性(和男性)產生神奇效果的男性而設計!我們還在這種混合物中添加了一些非常“引人注目”的草藥,因此它具有相當強大的衝擊力。它不僅有很好的香味,而且眾所周知,它適用於希望以一種相當誘人的方式吸引異性的男性。坦率地說,它可以讓你他媽的不可抗拒。對於那些處於需要“升溫”的關係中的人來說,使用它也很棒。臥室尤其如此。我們的 Lover Boy Oil 使用戶能夠接觸到自己內心的陽剛之氣和性慾。話雖如此,它可以增強一個人的自信心和對他人的魅力。由番瀉葉、芒果、黑升麻、荳蔻、月桂、薺菜、芝麻、香根草和許多其他草藥、油和樹脂製成。它裝在一個½盎司的瓶子裡。 Lover Boy Oil 可以塗在身上,也可以放在浴缸裡。將一些與一些橄欖油混合,為臥室製作極好的按摩油。出門前在鞋後跟塗抹一些,或者簡單地在脖子和手腕上塗抹一些。在結識新朋友或參加社交場合之前,在手上擦一些。在你的錢包裡輕拍一些,這樣你就可以一直隨身攜帶一些。將一些塗在征服者高約翰根或銀角硬幣上,然後放在口袋裡。如果您正在戀愛,並且發現您的愛人與您疏遠,請在他們擁有的東西或個人關心的東西上滴幾滴,然後將其埋在您的後院。在有女性陪伴之前,在家裡的每個角落滴幾滴。在您的床單上滴幾滴,為您的愛情生活增添情趣。在枕頭下滴幾滴,以幫助在您的生活中建立新的關係。 我建議買一個紅色的男性人物蠟燭(紅柱蠟燭也可以)。只需將您的名字刻在蠟燭上並用一些情人男孩油塗抹它,將油從蠟燭上拉向您。當你準備好點燃蠟燭,如果你正在尋找一個女人,請閱讀雅歌第 7 章,如果你正在尋找一個男人,請閱讀第 8 章。在星期五晚上這樣做。 Our Lover Boy Oil has been created for those men who wish to have a magical effect on women (and men)! We have also added some pretty serious “compelling” herbs to this blend so it packs quite a powerful punch. Not only does it have a great scent, it has been known to work for men who wish to draw the opposite sex to them in a rather enticing way. Frankly, it can make you damn irresistible. It is also fantastic to use for those of you who are in a relationship that needs some “heating up”. This is particularly true for the bedroom. Our Lover Boy Oil enables it's users to get in touch with their own inner masculinity and sexuality. With that said, it can enhance one's self-confidence and charm on others. Made with Senna Leaves, Mango, Black Cohosh, Cardamon, Bay, Sarsaparilla, Sesame, Vetivert and lots of other herbs, oils and resins. It comes in a ½ oz bottle. Lover Boy Oil can be worn on the body and put in the bath. Mix some with some olive oil to make a fantastic massage oil for the bedroom. Dab some in the heel of your shoe or simply anoint some on your neck and wrists prior to going out on the town. Rub some on your hands prior to meeting new people or before attending social settings. Dab some in your wallet so you keep some on you all the time. Anoint some on a High John the Conqueror Root or silver dime and keep it in your pocket. If you are in a relationship and you find your lover distancing themselves from you, put a few drops on something they own or on a personal concern and bury it in your backyard. Drop a few drops into every corner in your home prior to having female company over. Drop a few drops on your bed sheets to help spice up your love life. Place a few drops under your pillow to help draw a new relationship into your life. I suggest getting a red male figure candle (a red pillar candle will also work). Simply carve your name into the candle and anoint it with some Lover Boy Oil, drawing the oil up the candle towards you. When you are ready light the candle and read Chapter 7 of the Song of Songs if you are seeking a woman and Chapter 8 if you are seeking a man. Do this on a Friday evening.