情人鎖油幫助維持保護關係 Lover Lock Down Oil-Helps Maintain and Protect Your Relationship


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這種油的設計含有繪圖和保護成分,它們在雙重配方中協同作用,可幫助您維持並保持您的人際關係穩固和健康。 在見到您想要的伴侶之前,在您的沐浴水中和您的脈搏點使用。 您也可以在適合目標性別的紅色蠟燭上使用這種油。 This oil is designed with drawing and protective ingredients that work together in a dual formula to help you maintain and keep your relationships solid and healthy. Use in your bath water and on your pulse point before seeing your desired partner. You can also use this oil on a red figure candle of the appropriate gender for the target. Created with my own blend of master root, comfrey root, Master of the woods, gold pins and more.
