惡魔獵人護身符 Demon Hunter’s Amulet


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我們的惡魔獵手的護身符是3種強大符號的組合:十字架,斧頭和圓圈。 十字架一直是保護的象徵,幾千年來:它的起源可以追溯到古代巴比倫以及太陽神密特拉(Mithra)和塔穆茲(Tammuz)。 直到公元4世紀君士坦丁皇帝對太陽前的十字架有異像後,基督徒才使用它。 斧頭是蘇格蘭自由共濟會儀式中最突出的標誌之一。 斧頭是人類最古老的工具之一。 凱爾特人稱斧頭為“雷石”,導致斧頭與毀滅的力量和創造的力量相關聯。 圓圈是具有廣泛含義的通用符號:完整性,完美性,無限性,永恆性,永恆性,所有循環運動和上帝。 圈子是一種保護劑,有助於帶來心理上的整體性和自我實現。 魔法符號的這種組合有助於抵禦任何邪惡。 Our Demon Hunter’s Amulet is combination of 3 powerful symbols: The Cross, The Axe, and the Circle. The Cross has been a symbol of Protection for thousands of years: its origins date back to Ancient Babylon and the sun-gods Mithra and Tammuz. It was not used by Christians until the 4th century after Emperor Constantine had a vision of the cross in front of the sun. The Axe is one of the most prominent symbols of the Scottish rite of the Free Masons. The axe is one of the oldest tools of mankind. The Celts called axes “thunder stones” resulting in axes becoming associated with both the power of Destruction, and the power of Creation. The Circle is a universal symbol with extensive meaning: Wholeness, Perfection, the Infinite, Eternity, Timelessness, all Cyclic Movement, and God. The Circle is a Protective Agent and helps bring Psychic Wholeness and Self-Realization. This combination of Magical Symbols helps ward off any Evil.
