意式濃縮咖啡夢想水晶香皂 Espresso Dreams - 7 oz Crystal Infused Bar Soap


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水晶說明 咖啡方解石是一種奇妙的水晶,可以保護使用者免受負面能量的侵害,帶來平和感。它被用作繁榮石,非常適合用於致富的水晶網格。幫助您變得更有活力的效果。咖啡方解石有助於緩解情緒壓力,並有助於打開意識。 氣味描述 Espresso Dreams 就是……夢幻般濃郁的濃縮咖啡香味!我們使用有機和公平貿易的咖啡豆,將其研磨並放入這款令人愉悅的濃郁肥皂中,以去除角質。 CRYSTAL DESCRIPTION Coffee Calcite is a wondrous crystal that protects the user from negative energy and brings about a sense of peace. It is used as a prosperity stone and is wonderful to use in crystal grids dedicated to abundance. This stone connects with your emotions and has a positive effect on helping you become more energetic. Coffee Calcite helps to alleviate emotional stress and will help open awareness. SCENT DESCRIPTION Espresso Dreams is just that...a dreamy full-bodied espresso fragrance! We use organic and fair-trade coffee beans that we grind and put inside this delightfully rich soap for a bit of exfoliation.
