愛&熱情香棒 Love & Passion incense stick


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安第斯香草粘香。 100% 天然草本混合物為您帶來純淨的安第斯山脈的香氣。 “愛”是當地土著人的傳統薩滿教秘方,具有不可抗拒的吸引力。 成分:椰子、蔬菜粘液、竹子、有機植物樹脂、果汁、歐芹、鼠尾草、迷迭香和百里香。 哥倫比亞手工製作的一盒 10 支。 Andean herbs stick incense. The 100% natural herbal blend brings the aroma of the Andean Mountains in its pure state to you. "Love" is a traditional shamanic recipe of the local indigenous people for irresistible attraction. Ingredients: coconut, vegetable mucilage, bamboo, organic vegetable resins, fruit juice, parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. Box of 10 sticks handmade in Columbia.
