愛纏身油-留在愛人的腦海 Love Haunt Oil - Stay on your lover's mind


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這種傳統的南部混合物有助於使您無法抗拒,並使他人或您的目標只想到您。 有長途戀愛關係或您正在分開? 使用這種油,即使您分開也要保持頭腦清醒。 防止戀人流浪,並幫助您留下深刻的印象。 在與您想要的伴侶見面之前,先在您的沐浴水中和脈搏點上使用。 您也可以在目標性別適當的紅色蠟燭上使用此油。 This traditional southern blend aids in making you irresistible and making others, or your target, think only of you. Have a long distance relationship or are you growing apart? Use this oil and stay on their mind even when you are apart. Keeps lovers from straying and helps you make a serious impression. Use in your bath water and on your pulse point before seeing your desired partner. You can also use this oil on a red figure candle of the apropriate gender for the target. Created with my own secret herbal blend with apple, magnolia, peach and opium oils.
