愛護盾油-保護和捍衛您的人際關係健康 Love Shield Oil -Protect and Defend the health of your relationship


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這種混合具有真正的銀葉,鐵釘,杜松留蘭香等。 旨在幫助您保持工作成果,防止外界因素影響並使彼此之間保持幸福和平靜的公式。 幫助積極交流和進步。 在與您想要的伴侶見面之前,先在您的沐浴水中和脈搏點上使用。 您也可以在目標性別適當的紅色蠟燭上使用此油。 This blend features real silver leaf, an iron nail, juniper spearmint and more. A formula designed to help keep what you've worked for, protect it from outside influences and keep things happy and calm between you. Aids in postive communication and progress in the realtionship. Use in your bath water and on your pulse point before seeing your desired partner. You can also use this oil on a red figure candle of the apropriate gender for the target.
