愛錨油保護並確定你的愛 Love Anchor Oil-Protect and Nail Your Love Down


已售出: 2


用這種油保護你的愛不受外界或未知因素的影響! 設計有鐵釘和邪惡的眼睛,以防止有害影響! 主根、八角等用於保持你的愛健康、保護和堅強! 在見到你想要的伴侶之前,在洗澡水中和脈搏點上使用。 您也可以在粉紅色和藍色蠟燭上使用這種油。 Protect your love from outside or unknown factors with this oil! Designed with an iron nail and an evil eye to keep harmful influences away! Master root, anise seed and more are used to keep your love healthy, protected and stong! Use in your bath water and on your pulse point before seeing your desired partner. You can also use this oil on pink and blue candles.
