打結阿馬爾婚姻香氛凝膠蠟燭 Tie The Knot Amarre Matrimonial Scented Gel Candle


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對於浪漫,愛情,吸引力,靈魂伴侶等。 把對方和自己鏈接起來,適合催婚,婚禮順利和擁有美滿婚姻 每根玻璃蠟燭都有一個人形蠟燭和各種魔法材料,都加入了成聖的效果。 蠟燭高約 8 英寸,重 1 磅 4 盎司 Tie the one you want. Ssuitable for urging marriage, smooth wedding planning and have a happy marriage Each glass candle has a human-shaped candle and various magic materials, which have been added with the effect of sanctification. The candle is about 8 inches tall and weighs 1 pound 4 ounces
