指揮婚姻異地戀油 Commanding Luv Oil-Marriage, Long Distance Relationships


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這種油用於增加關係的穩定性。關係可能會因許多事情而變得緊張;不忠、遠距離、同居、新婚等。 任何形式的變化都會削弱我們的關係,您需要迅速採取行動以保持其牢固並防止停滯不前。這種油會向您的伴侶傳遞愛的信息,並可以使冷淡的關係升溫並保持發展! 溫暖另一個的心,用油塗3支不同色的蠟燭;白色代表意圖,粉紅色代表真愛,橙色代表加速你的意圖。點燃所有三支蠟燭,讓它們燃燒直到熄滅。在此之後,每周用這種油塗抹粉紅色或紫色蠟燭,以保持你們的關係牢固並向前發展。 由茉莉、蓮花、香草、馬鞭草和梔子油與粉紅玫瑰、零陵香豆等秘密調製而成;) 在聖女瓜達盧佩 (Virgen de Guadalupe) 和奧順 (Oshun) 的召喚下創作。This oil is used to add stability to a relationship. Relationships can be strained by a number of things; infidelity, long distances, moving in together, being newlyweds, etc. This is a twist on an old hoodoo recipe called "Across the Miles" with a touch of luv. Any sort of change can weaken our relationships and you need to act fast to keep it strong and prevent stagnation. This oil will send a message of love out to your partner and can heat up a cooled relationship and keep it growing! To warm the heart of another anoint 3 candles; white for intention, pink for true love, and orange to expedite your intention. Light all three candles and let them burn until extinguished. After this, anoint pink or purple candles with this oil each week to keep your relationship strong and moving forward. Created with jasmine, lotus, vanilla, vervain, and gardenia oils with pink rose, tonka bean, among other secrets;) Created under the invocation of the Virgen de Guadalupe and Oshun.
