接地檀香蠟燭 Grounding Sandalwood Candle


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將顏色和香味結合起來打造你的蠟燭魔法 接地儀式蠟燭是灰色的,帶有檀香香味,可清理您的神聖空間等。每根蠟燭的直徑為 5 英寸 x 0.50 英寸。 檀香的香氣非常適合在冥想期間保持臨在和警覺,這使得它非常適合儀式和精神實踐。據說它的氣味可以改變慾望,還能帶來情緒平衡。 警告:請放置在兒童和動物接觸不到的地方。切勿讓燃燒的蠟燭無人看管。將燈芯修剪至 0.25 英吋並在適當的燭台中燃燒 Combining Color and Scent for your Candle Magic The Grounding Ritual Candle is gray and scented with Sandalwood for clearing your sacred space and more. Each Candle measures 5 inches x .50 inch in diameter. Sandalwood’s scent is both excellent for staying present and alert during meditation, which makes it wonderful for ritual and spiritual practice. Its scent is said to transform desires, and also to bring emotional balance. WARNING: Keep out of the reach of children and animals. Never leave a burning candle unattended. Trim wick to .25 inch and burn in appropriate candle holder.
